Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. Ergo Grimwold
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One of the last of Knightmare RPG Season 7's characters to be developed. After the withdrawal of a prospective RPG7 cast member left a troll character without an actor, Jason (Toddy), David (Drassil) and Darryll modified the troll into an ogre for Darryll to play, and renamed the character Ergo.

The name is in part a reference to the Latin phrase cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am), to imply an ogre of above-average intelligence, i.e. able to string a few letters together. It's also 'ogre' backwards. Ergo's surname marked him out as the son of Mrs. Grimwold, long-lost until the Opposition found him.

Ergo is also a part of the Grimwolds' backstory on the Knightmare Roleplay Forum, as covered by the fanfic Young And Old.

[Image credits: Anna

Earlier version of this entry: 2011-07-02 11:50:05]

Provided By: David, 2023-10-29 12:39:15
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